Monday, May 10, 2010


During the 1920's there was a ban on alcohol known as prohibition.Prohibition began January, 16, 1920, when the eighteenth amendment went into effect. Even though alcoholic drinks were illegal there were still available at speakeasies and other underground establishments. Prohibition was put into effect because people believed that crime would be reduce, but it was the exact opposite. The crime rate shot up when on the streets in search of alcohol.

Prohibition failed because people in the 1920's obtained alcohol at any cost whether it was gang related or resolved to violence. Mobs and Gang crime increased because rival gangs wanted to control the alcohol production. In 1933 the twenty-first amendment was ratified which ended prohibition in most states, By 1966 prohibition was terminated in every state.

1 comment:

  1. Good start for first post. I like the stamp image. Make sure to check spelling/grammar and have 2 spaces after period. You need to begin working on your background and theme for the 2nd post. 75/75
    Ms. Donahue
